Big Data / News

10 things we learned -- or didn't -- from Cisco's Insieme launch

Cisco's introduction of the Insieme Networks product line and strategy was the most anticipated networking announcement in almost two years. It represents Cisco's response to the software-defined networking trend pervading the industry, and threatening Cisco's dominance and profits. While not a watershed moment – Insieme didn't change Cisco's modus operandii, as explained below -- Insieme is nonetheless one of the most important events and product introductions in Cisco's history. Here are 10 things we learned or have yet to learn from the Insieme launch:

Written by Jim Duffy22 Nov. 13 20:44

'Encrypt everything:' Google's answer to government surveillance is catching on

While Microsoft's busy selling t-shirts and mugs about how Google's "Scroogling" you, the search giant's chairman is busy tackling a much bigger problem: How to keep your information secure in a world full of prying eyes and governments willing to drag in data by the bucket load. And according to Google's Eric Schmidt, the answer is fairly straightforward.

Written by Brad Chacos21 Nov. 13 20:12

IT maturity leaders and laggards

EMC study notes impact of reduced investments in critical IT requirements of availability, advanced security; and integrated backup and recovery.

Written by Divina Paredes21 Nov. 13 13:25

Are you winning?

I am constantly astounded at the number of people who cannot answer this question or can only answer it with generalities or anecdotes. They have no or very little objective data, writes Owen McCall.

Written by Owen McCall18 Nov. 13 07:36

5 things to watch for at Amazon's Cloud show

Last year some 6000 attendees trekked out to Las Vegas for the first customer conference of what many consider to be the leading public IaaS Cloud provider: Amazon Web Services. AWS re:Invent 2012 saw the launch of a new data analytics and warehousing product, price drops on its services, and lots of tips and tricks for how to use Amazon's cloud.

Written by Brandon Butler08 Nov. 13 17:10

Startups tackle ‘X’ factor challenge

Getting in is easy, but global success is a massive challenge. Three Kiwi companies share how they grew in this type of environment.

Written by Divina Paredes07 Nov. 13 12:34

Big data analytics: The new black magic of marketing?

In the realm of marketing, data is definitely the new black. But to hear it spoken of at conferences, you might also assume it is the new black magic, capable of doing everything from enabling accountability of every marketing dollar spent through to predicting customer behaviour. Either concept would be considered fantastical, were they also not increasingly becoming true.

Written by Brad Howarth24 Oct. 13 12:43

Wanted: Champions of the Cloud mobile era

Exactly a year after taking on the top role at VMware, Pat Gelsinger says the period of disruption has become greater, and warns, the “fastest will win”. The four trends of social, mobile, Cloud and Big Data are affecting consumer and business IT, says Gelsinger.

Written by Divina Parades28 Aug. 13 07:49

Avoiding hits and flops with data

Steve Illingworth is the Asia Pacific CTO of Pivotal, the enterprise-ready data storage and analytics platform-as-a-service company spun off by VMware and parent company EMC. He explains how technology can make a difference, using the recent blockbuster movie Avengers as an example.

Written by Harley Ogier16 Aug. 13 12:09