Parse - News, Features, and Slideshows

News about Parse
  • Facebook extends Parse tools to the Internet of Things

    Facebook is extending its Parse developer tools to the Internet of Things, providing software and services for bringing connectivity to home appliances, fitness trackers and other objects.

    Written by Zach Miners26 March 15 06:44
  • Facebook extends Parse to build IoT apps

    Facebook is extending Parse, its suite of back-end software development tools, to create Internet of Things apps for items like smart home appliances and activity trackers.

    Written by Zach Miners26 March 15 06:30
  • Facebook wants to make push notifications less annoying

    Push notifications -- those pesky alerts from the apps on your smartphone -- tread a fine line between being useful and annoying. Facebook wants to tip the scales toward the former.

    Written by Zach Miners04 Nov. 14 06:09
  • Facebook and Parse started talking in 2011, Parse's CEO says

    Facebook has laid out big plans in recent months to simplify the app development process by acquiring Parse. But the social network actually had its eye on the cloud service company for years, and at one point the two considered a different partnership.

    Written by Zach Miners06 Sept. 13 00:21