Stories by Lucas Mearian

Can Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency survive the exodus?

Seven of the founding members of the Libra Association, Facebook's non-profit governing council for its planned cryptocurrency, have jumped ship amid increasing scrutiny by U.S. and European regulators.

Written by Lucas Mearian17 Oct. 19 06:00

Why hybrid blockchains will dominate ecommerce

By combining a permissioned blockchain with a public blockchain, companies can secure background transactions with business partners while also sharing product information with consumers on an open ledger.

Written by Lucas Mearian05 Sept. 19 20:00

Disaster recovery as a service is growing, but tape won’t die

Disaster recovery was once a term associated mostly with the capability to restore data center operations after a physical calamity, but today the loss of IT systems is more often associated with data corruption to include rising malware attacks.

Written by Lucas Mearian06 Aug. 19 02:05