Stories by Bob Violino

The next IT jobs boom? The internet of things

Massive investments in IoT will shake up the core skills in high demand at IT organisations in the years to come. Here’s how to transform your career path to capitalise.

Written by Bob Violino12 Sept. 17 06:47

5 secrets of highly effective IoT strategies

A winning internet of things strategy requires strong leadership, clearly defined roles and a dedicated team. Pioneering IT leaders offer hard-earned advice for IoT success.

Written by Bob Violino08 Aug. 17 20:00

Are companies doing enough on the IoT security front?

If security executives thought they had a lot to handle with the growth of mobile devices and the expanding digital enterprise, the emergence of connected products, corporate assets, vehicles and other “things” is taking security coverage to a whole new level.

Written by Bob Violino10 Feb. 17 22:53

Robots present a cyber risk

The prospect of an army of robots marching in unison to launch an attack on an unsuspecting city belongs in the realm of science fiction—as do most images of menacing autonomous machines wreaking all kinds of havoc on civilization.

Written by Bob Violino09 Nov. 16 22:37

Mergers create greater security risk

Security risks, both cyber and physical, certainly belong on the list of concerns. And with the ongoing shortage of professionals who are expert in various aspects of data protection—coupled with the seemingly endless stream of reports about data breaches and other security threats—this has become an even bigger concern for companies that are considering or in the midst of M&A deals.

Written by Bob Violino14 Sept. 16 05:10

Data lakes security could use a life preserver

As big data initiatives gain steam at organizations, many companies are creating “data lakes” to provide a large number of users with access to the data they need. And as with almost every type of new IT initiative, this comes with a variety of security risks that enterprises must address.

Written by Bob Violino25 Aug. 16 20:10

5 things CIOs need to know about data lakes

1.The concept is still quite new. The term data lake, credited to Pentaho CTO James Dixon, has been bandied about for several years. But the idea of data lakes as corporate resources is still in its infancy, according to IDC analyst Ashish Nadkarni. A data lake is defined as a massive--and relatively cheap--storage repository, such as Hadoop, that can hold all types of data until it is needed for business analytics or data mining. A data lake holds data in its rawest form, unprocessed and ungoverned.

Written by Bob Violino01 Aug. 15 23:11

How to remain (mostly) invisible online

With such a heavy reliance on the Internet for all sorts of interactions and transactions and the many ways people are connected via their mobile or desktop devices, is it possible to remain invisible online?

Written by Bob Violino21 Jan. 15 03:41

Cyber threats spook tech companies

Recent high-profile data breaches have clearly spooked a lot of companies, many of which expect to face cyber threats in the coming year. And security executives are spending more time advising senior executives and other top business decision makers at their organization on security-related matters.

Written by Bob Violino12 Nov. 14 02:40

Which vendors will be on target in the era of New IT

The major technology shifts under way -- the move to cloud-based services and reduced importance of the data center, the growth of mobile devices and apps and related decline in use of traditional PCs, and the greater emphasis on big data/analytics rather than traditional analytics -- are having a huge impact on corporate IT.

Written by Bob Violino18 Feb. 14 17:09

7 ways to work around security compliance problems

Regulations aimed at protecting the security and privacy of organizations and individuals are well meaning. But sometimes these standards, or how they're interpreted, can be more than a nuisance--they can actually contribute to weaker security.

Written by Bob Violino06 Jan. 14 17:43