Stories by Peter Sayer

UK government adopts ODF for document exchange with citizens and suppliers

The U.K. government has adopted ODF as its standard for the exchange of word processor and spreadsheet files between departments and with citizens and suppliers, meaning that companies and citizens will not be required to buy a particular application or software suite in order to collaborate with government staff.

Written by Peter Sayer24 July 14 01:14

New BlackBerry COO is ex-Sybase exec Marty Beard

BlackBerry has recruited a new chief operating officer, Marty Beard, recently CEO of cloud customer service company LiveOps and before that an executive at Sybase.

Written by Peter Sayer21 July 14 23:54

Amazon's Kindle Unlimited offers 600,000 e-books for $10 a month

Even the most voracious readers will take a few months to get the most out of's latest offer: access to 600,000 e-books and 2,000 audiobooks for a monthly fee of US$9.99. What publishers and authors will get out of it remains to be seen.

Written by Peter Sayer18 July 14 23:34

Facebook will gather more user information, but offer more control over ads

Facebook is moving to offer users a familiar trade-off: their browsing privacy in return for more targeted advertising. Those who find that no deal at all will be able to use opt-out tools, but all users will be given a little more control over the ads they see.

Written by Peter Sayer12 June 14 21:58