Stories by Jonny Evans

Jonny Evans: Technology is sexist

The number of women working in technology is far below the percentage in the workforce at large, and enrollment numbers suggest that improvement isn't imminent.

Written by Jonny Evans31 Oct. 13 16:08

Mobile's Coming Costs Put CFOs on the Spot

The <a href="">iPad/iPhone-driven BYOD</a> trend means demand for mobile bandwidth is expanding exponentially. That's interesting as a reflection of the boom in mobile devices across consumer and enterprise markets, but means problems for carriers. And CFOs need to think today about how the movement to bring-your-own-device may impact their bottom line tomorrow.

Written by Jonny Evans22 Feb. 12 12:35

CFO Horror Story: Can You Trust Your Spreadsheets?

Information anywhere means productivity everywhere, they say. But have you spent enough time considering <a href="">spreadsheet risk management</a>? Not really, it seems: A <a href="">Protiviti</a> survey claims just one in ten accountants think their firm has processes in place to "manage spreadsheet risk".

Written by Jonny Evans07 Feb. 12 10:42

A CFO's take on BYOD

In a nutshell: The ever-increasing popularity of mobile devices has changed the way many enterprise users deploy technology, with an ever-increasing body of employees now bringing their own devices into work with them. The enterprise, meanwhile, focuses on ensuring its data is available securely to these devices. So, how prevalent is this trend really?
I'll skip the potential cost savings; relative to the extent of your enterprise, a move to mobile devices in replacement of PCs will indeed save a little cash, but this will quickly be eaten up by the IT departments need to make data available and secure.

Written by Jonny Evans17 Jan. 12 22:00