Stories by Jen A. Miller

Malvertising – the new silent killer?

Malicious ads on the websites you visit aren’t a new phenomenon. The fact that they now avoid detection and don’t need you to click on ‘em to infect your computer is new, and increasingly troublesome.

Written by Jen A. Miller21 Oct. 15 16:01

Four new cybercrime trends threaten your business

A mid-year report shows that people aren’t necessarily getting smarter about security, even in the face of increased attacks from cybercriminals.

Written by Jen A. Miller07 Sept. 15 15:00

Predicting winners and losers in the EMV rollout

We're just a couple months shy of the big EMV liability shift. That's when companies that don't accept chip-enabled debit and credit cards take on financial responsibility for hacks and fraud.

Written by Jen A. Miller27 July 15 23:34

Does the Apple Watch Sports go the distance for runners?

Whenever Apple puts out a new product, it's going to draw headlines. There's no better example than the Apple Watch -- its first offering into the fitness market, which has a potential to be a 22 million unit market in the U.S., according to Market Strategies International.

Written by Jen A. Miller26 May 15 02:08

PCI Compliance Under Scrutiny Following Big Data Breaches

As details filter out about the Home Depot hack (and many, many more data breaches), you can't help but ask: How did this happen -- especially when the company was supposed to adhere to specific safety regulations or else lose its capability to process credit card transactions?

Written by Jen A. Miller23 Oct. 14 01:05

How the CIO Role Is Changing As Business Needs Evolve

A recent survey from IT staffing firm Modis reaffirms what we all know: The role of CIOs, and the IT department they direct, is changing. Not only do the vast majority of companies view their CIOs as critical members of company structure, they also expect that role to grow in the future.

Written by Jen A. Miller07 Oct. 14 00:39

How the Target Breach Has Affected Small Business Data Security

Small and medium-sized businesses may think they're immune to the kinds of attacks that wreaked havoc on Target last year, but they're susceptible to the same nefarious forces -- sometimes even more so, as they can lead hackers to a bigger prize.

Written by Jen A. Miller09 July 14 22:49

Why You Need to Load Test Your Website

There are multiple approaches to load testing your website, but one thing is certain: Organizations that fail to see how their sites will handle sudden surges in traffic do so at their own risk.

Written by Jen A. Miller18 June 14 23:58

How Tech Can Help Cities Reduce Crime

Camden, N.J. ranks among the United States' most dangerous cities -- and in 2011, its police force was cut in half. However, a state-of-the-art 'tactical information' center, combined with gunshot-spotting cameras, in-cruiser GPS technology and analytics are helping the embattled city cut crime.

Written by Jen A. Miller09 April 14 22:44

How to Build a Customer Loyalty Program

Boston-based restaurant chain b.good started its customer loyalty program with email 12 years ago because, well, it couldn't afford much else. As the chain has grown, so has its rewards program, which now has 53,000 'Family' members using keycards and smartphone apps to connect with b.good.

Written by Jen A. Miller25 March 14 12:48