Stories by Maria Korolov

Regulators: cybersecurity poses biggest risk to global financial system

Last week, the chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission called cybersecurity the biggest risk facing the global financial industry. The SEC promises to step up regulation and Swift itself is expected to launch a new cyber security initiative this week that includes independent security audits of its customers.

Written by Maria Korolov25 May 16 23:01

Only a third of companies know how many vendors access their systems

The average company's network is accessed by 89 different vendors every week, according to a new research report that surveyed more than 600 IT decision makers at mid-sized and large enterprises -- but only a third were confident that they knew the exact number of vendors who had accessed their systems.

Written by Maria Korolov12 April 16 21:30

Merging firms appealing targets for attackers

Companies going through a merger or acquisition, as well as their lawyers, financial advisers, and other associated firms are all tempting targets for cyberattackers, according to a new report from Digital Shadows.

Written by Maria Korolov31 March 16 03:01

Reporting to CEO reduces risks and costs, but change comes slowly

An increasing number of experts are urging companies to stop having the CSOs and CISOs report to the CIO in order to reduce conflict of interest, risk, even downtime and financial losses, but there hasn't yet been much evidence of progress.

Written by Maria Korolov26 Jan. 16 22:53

Global geopolitical risk predictions for 2016

The recent multi-decade trend towards globalization is hitting up against a new trend towards localization and fragmentation this coming year, and that, combined with political and military hotspots around the globe, experts say, is likely to make international companies pay more attention to geopolitical risks in 2016.

Written by Maria Korolov04 Jan. 16 22:30

Retailers targeted by sophisticated ModPOS malware

The ModPOS malware has already hit multiple national retailers and compromised millions of cards, according to new research released this morning, but there are likely to be more infections still out there since this particular malware is extremely difficult to detect.

Written by Maria Korolov24 Nov. 15 22:00

CISOs facing boards need better business, communication skills

As information security becomes a more important topic of interest for corporate boards, CISOs are increasingly asked to step up and brief boards on cyber issues -- which means they need to become better communicators, and have a broader understanding of business needs

Written by Maria Korolov19 Aug. 15 19:07

Top global security exports defend encryption

As government officials continue to plea the case against strong encryption, a group of high-profile international security experts have published a paper arguing that allowing government agents special access to communications would have detrimental effects on personal privacy, enterprise security, and our national economy.

Written by Maria Korolov10 July 15 23:17

Most infosec pros forget to change keys after a breach

One of the things that hackers look for when they break into an enterprise is encryption keys and security certificates, but most security professionals don't know how to respond if the keys are compromised during a breach.

Written by Maria Korolov09 June 15 01:16

Bots now outnumber humans on the web

Bot traffic has surpassed humans this year, now accounting for 59 percent of all site visits, according to a report released today by Distil Networks.

Written by Maria Korolov15 May 15 01:52