N4L and NZQA team up to prepare schools for digital exams

Beginning this week, N4L will offer a technical assessment to more than 220 schools that have signalled their interest to NZQA in offering students the opportunity to sit at least one exam digitally this year

Schools planning to offer digital exams this year can get their technical readiness assessed through a new programme of Network for Learning (N4L) and NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority). 

“It’s about helping schools ensure they are set up to offer the best online exam experience,” says Larrie Moore, CEO of N4L, the Crown agency tasked with managing schools’ internet services.

“We are pleased to be working with NZQA to help prepare schools for what is likely to be their first digital exam,” says Moore. “Schools need their internet to work seamlessly within every exam room so students can fully focus on their exam questions while having a positive online experience.”

N4L CEO Larrie MooreCredit: N4L
N4L CEO Larrie Moore

Beginning this week, N4L will offer a technical assessment to more than 220 schools that have signalled their interest to NZQA in offering students the opportunity to sit at least one exam digitally this year. 

With the help of the school’s local IT support company, N4L will go through a checklist of the internet equipment available in the school’s exam rooms and assess the performance of its wireless internet infrastructure. 

The review will help the school determine if there are any wireless connection ‘dead spots’, and ensure the room’s connectivity can cope with the number of students projected to be simultaneously sitting one exam.  

Video streaming and internet speed test results will also be assessed. 

We’re delighted schools are showing strong interest in digital exams and our focus is on helping them feel confident it will be a good experience for students

Andrea Gray, NZQA

Schools will receive the results of the technical assessments ahead of the exam period. 

Andrea Gray, NZQA’s Digital Assessment Transformation deputy chief executive, says the work with N4L work is part of a package of support NZQA is providing to schools to help them get ready for digital exams. 

“We’re delighted schools are showing strong interest in digital exams and our focus is on helping them feel confident it will be a good experience for students,” says Gray.

N4L will also assist NZQA’s exam support team throughout the exam period by providing  technical helpdesk and engineering support where required.  

The N4L team will help triage any exam room connectivity issues with the school’s technical support staff. 

This year, students can sit 14 NCEA subjects across three levels using a laptop or computer rather than pen and paper.

Currently, schools are responsible for ensuring their classroom wireless internet connections run smoothly throughout the school and rely on a combination of in-house skills, outsourced IT support, and online resources to guide them.

Credit: Dreamstime

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