DaaS; the new direction for many CTOs.

Today’s enterprises have many challenges associated with managing technology, which is centred around devices and sustaining a strong end-user experience. Having launched Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) last October, HP’s intention is to provide a more unified endpoint management platform. 

DaaS will be a revelation for some organisations, providing a device management structure that will enable growth and evolution.  HP’s DaaS solution packages fleet management tools and financial flexibility alongside endpoint devices to deliver an enhanced lifecycle experience.

While all businesses have unique needs, there are some commonalities in the conversations there are four key areas.

1.Harnessing Predictive Data

Unique to the HP DaaS Solution is TechPulse which offers a dashboard that can display the health and security of every user’s computer across an organisation, enabling the enterprise to predict hardware issues and monitor risk.

TechPulse can predict when a user’s device is out of storage, about to crash, or has been compromised by a known threat. With this insight, business continuity is strengthened, and end-user device downtime nears zero.

IT teams can pre-empt a call, fixing an employee’s device before they even realise there’s a problem. With TechPulse working across multiple PC models, it’s a leverageable asset for many organisations.

2. Improving the End-User Experience

Teams that are focused on productivity and retention are increasingly looking at ways to enhance the user experience. They’re striving to deliver a working environment where their employees enjoy using the devices they’re given.

There are several positive flow-on effects when employees have the right device for their specific needs. They are more proactive and work more productively with devices that facilitate their workload. 

Through analytics, DaaS enables businesses to right-size devices and monitor workloads, delivering employees devices which are aligned with their own workstyle and responsibilities. This allows employees to swap out their devices freely, without having to wait for a traditional refresh cycle.

The IT team can prioritise their spending by directing it at power and specialist users, while monitoring performance for low power users, ensuring overall satisfaction. Heightened end-user experience through DaaS eliminates frustrations and reduces tensions between users and IT teams, with IT being able to deliver solutions effectively.

3. Transitioning from CapEx to OpEx

DaaS is another example of an organisation’s move towards the growing subscription economy. With the move into cloud backups instead of hardware, Office 365 across web and mobile instead of desktop licencing, as-a-Service is transactional and scalable, allowing organisations the flexibility to pay for what they use, when they need it.  

Moving from large one-off capital outlays to a more predictable expense model, paying on a per-device, per-month basis, allows organisations to manage cash flow without freezing investment.

It’s critical to understand current pain points through different challenges; fleet refreshes – security threats - staff size changes – deployment – technology failures. DaaS can bring budgeting and cashflow benefits to an organisation because it answers a lot of questions for CFOs.

4. Reduce Complexity Surrounding Fleet Management

The end-to-end lifecycle services available through DaaS eliminate problems for large centralised teams as well as thinly spread remote users, through managing each stage of the device lifecycle.

Assessment, configuration, optimisation and maintenance can be managed through the insights provided by the HP TechPulse dashboard. The Laptop Company works with the IT team to right size new devices and provide or support deployment to ensure hardware changes are seamless. 

This reduces the man hours and petty frustrations for the internal IT team to manage user devices.

Next Steps

The market has arrived at where fleet buyers need it to be, and in2019 DaaS now lives up to the hype. DaaS addresses numerous challenges present in the market, particularly for current and prospective HP fleet users. Even when the financials don’t stack up for the full solution, there’s a place for the TechPulse monitoring platform, which can be licensed separately through The Laptop Company.

If you’d like to know more, or if you’d like to discuss alternatives to DaaS for your team, connect with Mark Mayo today on LinkedIn or visit us at