Stories by Edited by Divina Paredes

How to build a change capable organisation

Successful organisations can prioritise specific change initiatives one over another. They know how to kill projects so they are not resurrected, writes David Miller, CEO and founder of Changefirst.

Written by Edited by Divina Paredes30 March 16 09:57

​Social loafing and other top teamwork ills

Knowing what to look out for can be half the battle, according to Dr. Mario Moussa, Dr. Derek Newberry and Madeline Boyer, authors of the book Committed Teams.

Written by Edited by Divina Paredes29 March 16 06:30

CIO Upfront: Breakthrough or middle ground?

The CIO has the opportunity to be the most significant change agent within the senior leadership team, so what is stopping them? Rohan Light of Decisv writes about the challenges CIOs face in the digital economy.

Written by Edited by Divina Paredes09 Feb. 16 07:00