Stories by Esther Shein

6 hot digital transformation trends — and 4 going cold

Now considered essential to driving profits, digital transformations are shifting from platform-first strategies to initiatives that leverage emerging technologies in service of clear customer and operational goals.

Written by Esther Shein20 Feb. 18 22:00

Winning the war for AI talent

With tech giants soaking up all available talent, enterprises are scrambling to staff up for an AI-fueled future by partnering with universities and grooming talent from within.

Written by Esther Shein06 Feb. 18 22:00

7 digital transformation myths

A successful digital transformation can deliver significant rewards. But these common misconceptions can undermine your company’s ability to achieve desired results.

Written by Esther Shein07 Dec. 17 05:21

Cloud ERP: The rising alternative to hosting your own

CIOs faced with brittle on-premises ERP systems and the desire to free up valuable IT resources are increasingly looking to the cloud as a reliable, scalable solution for their ERP needs.

Written by Esther Shein06 Sept. 17 20:00

Hidden cloud migration gotchas — and how to avoid them

From a lack of visibility into infrastructure to licensing and governance issues, frustrating surprises await your migration to the cloud. Here’s a real-world look at how traditional companies are navigating the cloud’s less-documented challenges.

Written by Esther Shein26 June 17 20:00