ACC works with global startups to drive innovation

ACC works with global startups to drive innovation

Signs partnership with Plug and Play to trial cutting-edge digital technology

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is partnering with Silicon Valley-based Plug and Play innovation platform to deliver more effective services.

The partnership will give ACC access to startups involved in the global insurtech industry. The agreement will allow ACC to pilot proposals, co-invest or even acquire startups.

“ACC is focused on building partnerships to look at new and innovative ways to prevent, reduce and effectively treat injuries,” says ACC chief executive Scott Pickering.

He says by partnering with Plug and Play,  ACC will have access to global startups with pioneering digital technology that can support and add value to the work they do for customers.

 “ACC is part of the wider international trend of insurance shifting from ‘detect and repair’ to ‘predict and prevent’,” explains Pickering.

“Our organisation is spending millions more on injury prevention each year and increasing our use of data analytics to determine the most effective forms of treatment for our injured clients.”

Pickering says ACC has 45 years’ worth of data that it wants to use more effectively to ensure it provides the best possible service to its customers.

“At the end of all our data and analysis are people – people who need help from us,” he states.

“Plug and Play’s networks will, for example, allow us to trial cutting-edge digital technology that may speed up cumbersome processes that benefit clients, doctors and ACC or even allow us to predict the likelihood of someone having a fall and the interventions required."

“New Zealanders told ACC they want consistent care from us and for us to be more responsive to their needs,” he adds.

“That’s why it’s important ACC has access to some of the smartest thinking going around, allowing us to balance providing better and more effective services with the growing cost of the ACC scheme.”



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Tags AIACCgovernment CIOPlug and Playcio and ceoDXScott Pickering

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